The Psychedelic Debriefing in Alcohol Dependence Treatment: Illustrating Key Change Phenomena through Qualitative Content Analysis of Clinical Sessions February 21, 2018
Clinical interpretations of patient experience in a trial of psilocybin-assisted psychotherapy for alcohol use disorder February 20, 2018
Psychedelics and related drugs: therapeutic possibilities, mechanisms and regulation February 14, 2018
The Effects of Ibogaine on Uterine Smooth Muscle Contractions: Relation to the Activity of Antioxidant Enzymes February 11, 2018
Ayahuasca: Psychological And Physiologic Effects, Pharmacology And Potential Uses In Addiction And Mental Illness January 24, 2018
A sub-set of psychoactive effects may be critical to the behavioral impact of ketamine on cocaine use disorder: Results from a randomized, controlled laboratory study January 5, 2018
Psychedelics and reconsolidation of traumatic and appetitive maladaptive memories: focus on cannabinoids and ketamine November 25, 2017