OPEN Foundation

A. Lees

Psychedelic treatment of functional neurological disorder: a systematic review


Functional neurological disorder (FND), formerly known as conversion disorder, causes a high burden of disability and distress, and is amongst the most commonly encountered conditions in neurology clinics and neuropsychiatric services, yet the therapeutic evidence base is somewhat limited. There has been recent interest in the therapeutic potential of psychedelics such as psilocybin and lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD), and in recent studies psychedelics have shown promise in treating a range of neuropsychiatric conditions. Modification of neural circuits associated with self-representation is thought to underlie some of this effect, and as some contemporary theories of FND focus on aberrant somatic self-representation, psychedelics may therefore represent an unexplored treatment option for FND. We systematically reviewed studies involving the use of psychedelics in FND. Nine studies published between 1954 and 1967, with a total of 26 patients, were identified. Due to restriction of licencing of psychedelic drugs since this period, no modern studies were identified. In most cases, patients received a course of psychotherapy with variable adjunctive administration of psychedelics (in a combination known as ‘psycholytic therapy’), with protocols varying between studies. Of those treated, 69% (n = 18) were found to have made at least some recovery on heterogeneous and subjective clinician-rated criteria. Adverse events were mostly mild and transient; however, at least one patient terminated the study due to distressing effects. All included studies were of low quality, often lacking control groups and valid outcome measures. Although no conclusions on efficacy may be drawn from these data, further research may help to determine whether psychedelics offer a feasible, safe and effective treatment for FND.
Butler, M., Seynaeve, M., Nicholson, T. R., Pick, S., Kanaan, R. A., Lees, A., … & Rucker, J. (2020). Psychedelic treatment of functional neurological disorder: a systematic review. Therapeutic Advances in Psychopharmacology10, 2045125320912125.,
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Banisteriopsis caapi, a Forgotten Potential Therapy for Parkinson’s Disease?


Banisteriopsis caapi, a liana indigenous to the Amazon basin with metagnomigenic properties and possible anti-depressant effects is one of the natural sources of harmala alkaloids. A summary of early trials with extracts of Banisteriopsis caapi and Peganum harmala (from which harmine was first isolated) in the 1920s and 1930s on various forms of parkinsonism is given as well as a brief overview of the known pharmacological properties of harmine. Despite its earlier abandonment because of perceived weaker efficacy than solanaceous alkaloids like scopolamine and hyoscine we propose that harmine should be reconsidered as a potential rapidly acting anti-Parkinsonian agent.

Djamshidian, A., Bernschneider‐Reif, S., Poewe, W., & Lees, A. J. (2015). Banisteriopsis caapi, a Forgotten Potential Therapy for Parkinson’s Disease?. Movement Disorders Clinical Practice.
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Banisteriopsis caapi, a Forgotten Potential Therapy for Parkinson's Disease?


Banisteriopsis caapi, a liana indigenous to the Amazon basin with metagnomigenic properties and possible anti-depressant effects is one of the natural sources of harmala alkaloids. A summary of early trials with extracts of Banisteriopsis caapi and Peganum harmala (from which harmine was first isolated) in the 1920s and 1930s on various forms of parkinsonism is given as well as a brief overview of the known pharmacological properties of harmine. Despite its earlier abandonment because of perceived weaker efficacy than solanaceous alkaloids like scopolamine and hyoscine we propose that harmine should be reconsidered as a potential rapidly acting anti-Parkinsonian agent.

Djamshidian, A., Bernschneider‐Reif, S., Poewe, W., & Lees, A. J. (2015). Banisteriopsis caapi, a Forgotten Potential Therapy for Parkinson’s Disease?. Movement Disorders Clinical Practice.
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Activities of extract and constituents of Banisteriopsis caapi relevant to parkinsonism


Dopamine deficiency is characteristic of Parkinson’s disease (PD) and treatments aim at elevating levels by administration of its precursor l-dihydroxyphenylalanine (l-DOPA), or inhibiting monoamine oxidases (MAOs), thus preventing its breakdown. Reports of improvements in PD patients treated with Banisteriopsis caapi extracts stimulated investigation of B. caapi stem extract and its two ingredients, harmine and harmaline for these activities.

Tests for MAO inhibition using liver homogenate showed that extract and harmaline showed a concentration-dependent inhibition of MAO A (IC50 1.24 μg/ml and IC50 4.54 nM, respectively) but had little effect on MAO B activity.

The extract at 2.5 mg/ml caused a highly significant increase in release of [3H]dopamine from rat striatal slices, as did 200 μM harmine and 6 μM harmaline. In both these experiments, the amount of harmine present could not account for the total activity of the extract.

The ability of harmine and harmaline to stimulate dopamine release is a novel finding. These results give some basis to the reputed usefulness of B. caapi stem extract in the treatment of PD.

Schwarz, M. J., Houghton, P. J., Rose, S., Jenner, P., & Lees, A. D. (2003). Activities of extract and constituents of Banisteriopsis caapi relevant to parkinsonism. Pharmacology Biochemistry and Behavior, 75(3), 627-633. 10.1016/S0091-3057(03)00129-1
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