Concise synthesis of N,N-dimethyltryptamine and 5-methoxy-N,N-dimethyltryptamine starting with bufotenine from Brazilian Anadenanthera ssp.. April 10, 2015
Discovery of a new caerulescent Psilocybe mushroom in Germany: Psilocybe germanica sp.nov March 31, 2015
Ex vivo effects of ibogaine on the activity of antioxidative enzymes in human erythrocytes February 7, 2015
Forbidden therapies: Santo Daime, ayahuasca, and the prohibition of entheogens in Western society February 1, 2015
Dictyonema huaorani (Agaricales: Hygrophoraceae), a new lichenized basidiomycete from Amazonian Ecuador with presumed hallucinogenic properties November 7, 2014
Determination of muscimol and ibotenic acid in mushrooms of Amanitaceae by capillary electrophoresis. August 18, 2014
Does the Nervous System Have an Intrinsic Archaic Language? Entoptic Images and Phosphenes August 2, 2014