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Psychedelics not linked to mental health problems or suicidal behavior: A population study


A recent large population study of 130,000 adults in the United States failed to find evidence for a link between psychedelic use (lysergic acid diethylamide, psilocybin or mescaline) and mental health problems. Using a new data set consisting of 135,095 randomly selected United States adults, including 19,299 psychedelic users, we examine the associations between psychedelic use and mental health. After adjusting for sociodemographics, other drug use and childhood depression, we found no significant associations between lifetime use of psychedelics and increased likelihood of past year serious psychological distress, mental health treatment, suicidal thoughts, suicidal plans and suicide attempt, depression and anxiety. We failed to find evidence that psychedelic use is an independent risk factor for mental health problems. Psychedelics are not known to harm the brain or other body organs or to cause addiction or compulsive use; serious adverse events involving psychedelics are extremely rare. Overall, it is difficult to see how prohibition of psychedelics can be justified as a public health measure.

Johansen, P. Ø., & Krebs, T. S. (2015). Psychedelics not linked to mental health problems or suicidal behavior: A population study. Journal of Psychopharmacology.
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Prosocial effects of MDMA: A measure of generosity


Background: 3,4-methylenedioxymethamphetamine (MDMA) produces “prosocial” effects that contribute to its recreational use. Few studies have examined the cognitive and behavioral mechanisms by which MDMA produces these effects. Here we examined the effect of MDMA on a specific prosocial effect, i.e. generosity, using a task in which participants make decisions about whether they or another person will receive money (Welfare Trade-Off Task; WTT).

Methods: The project included one study without drug administration and one with MDMA. In Study 1, we administered the WTT to healthy adults (N = 361) and examined their performance in relation to measures of personality and socioeconomic status. In Study 2, healthy volunteers with MDMA experience (N = 32) completed the WTT after MDMA administration (0, 0.5, or 1.0 mg/kg).

Results: As expected, in both studies participants were more generous with a close friend than an acquaintance or stranger. In Study 1, WTT generosity was related to household income and trait Agreeableness. In Study 2, MDMA (1.0 mg/kg) increased generosity toward a friend but not a stranger, whereas MDMA (0.5 mg/kg) slightly increased generosity toward a stranger, especially among female participants.

Conclusions: These data indicate that the WTT is a valuable, novel tool to assess a component of prosocial behavior, i.e. generosity to others. The findings support growing evidence that MDMA produces prosocial effects, but, as with oxytocin, these appear to depend on the social proximity of the relationships. The brain mechanisms underlying the construct of generosity, or the effects of MDMA on this measure, remain to be determined.

Kirkpatrick, M., Delton, A. W., de Wit, H., & Robertson, T. E. (2015). Prosocial effects of MDMA: A measure of generosity. Journal of Psychopharmacology.
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Ketamine Users Have High Rates of Psychosis and/or Depression


Ketamine has been linked to psychosis and used in the treatment of depression. However, no study has examined the prevalence of psychotic and depressive disorders in dependent ketamine users. This study aimed to examine the frequency of various psychopathologies among a series of patients seeking treatment for ketamine use in Hong Kong, China. The case records of 129 patients with a history of ketamine use receiving treatment at three substance use clinics between January 2008 and August 2012 were retrieved for data collection. Patients’ demographic data, patterns of substance misuse, and comorbid psychiatric diagnoses were recorded and entered into analyses. The mean age of onset and length of ketamine use were 17.7 ± 4.4 and 8.7 ± 5.7 years, respectively. All patients were dependent on ketamine at the time of data collection. Multiple substance misuse was common. Eighty-four of the 129 (65.1%) patients were found to have comorbid psychiatric disorders, most commonly substance-induced psychotic disorder (31.8%) followed by depressive disorder (27.9%). Psychosis and/or depression were common in ketamine-dependent patients referred to a psychiatric substance use clinic. The findings provide evidence of an association between chronic ketamine use and the presence of psychosis and/or depression. The results raise the issue of safety when using ketamine in the long-term treatment of depression.

Liang, H. J., Tang, K. L., Chan, F., Ungvari, G. S., & Tang, W. K. (2015). Ketamine Users Have High Rates of Psychosis and/or Depression. Journal of addictions nursing, 26(1), 8-13.
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Ketamine as a promising prototype for a new generation of rapid-acting antidepressants


The discovery of ketamine’s rapid and robust antidepressant effects opened a window into a new generation of antidepressants. Multiple controlled trials and open-label studies have demonstrated these effects across a variety of patient populations known to often achieve little to no response from traditional antidepressants. Ketamine has been generally well tolerated across patient groups, with transient mild-to-moderate adverse effects during infusion. However, the optimal dosing and route of administration and the safety of chronic treatment are not fully known. This review summarizes the clinical effects of ketamine and its neurobiological underpinnings and mechanisms of action, which may provide insight into the neurobiology of depression, relevant biomarkers, and treatment targets. Moreover, we offer suggestions for future research that may continue to advance the field forward and ultimately improve the psychopharmacologic interventions available for those individuals struggling with depressive and trauma-related disorders.

Abdallah, C. G., Averill, L. A. and Krystal, J. H. (2015), Ketamine as a promising prototype for a new generation of rapid-acting antidepressants. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, 1344: 66–77. doi: 10.1111/nyas.12718

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Switch to mania after ayahuasca consumption in a man with bipolar disorder: a case report



There is an increasing use of ayahuasca for recreational purposes. Furthermore, there is a growing evidence for the antidepressant properties of its components. However, there are no reports on the effects of this substance in the psychiatric setting. Harmaline, one of the main components of ayahuasca, is a selective and reversible MAO-A inhibitor and a serotonin reuptake inhibitor.

Case report

We present the case of a man with bipolar disorder who had a manic episode after an ayahuasca consumption ritual. This patient had had at least one hypomanic episode in the past and is currently depressed. We discuss the diagnostic repercussion of this manic episode.


There is lack of specificity in the diagnosis of substance-induced mental disorder. The knowledge of the pharmacodynamic properties of ayahuasca consumption allows a more physiopathological approach to the diagnosis of the patient.
Szmulewicz, A. G., Valerio, M. P., & Smith, J. M. (2015). Switch to mania after ayahuasca consumption in a man with bipolar disorder: a case report. International journal of bipolar disorders, 3(1), 4.

Psilocybin-Occasioned Mystical Experiences in the Treatment of Tobacco Addiction


Psilocybin-occasioned mystical experiences have been linked to persisting effects in healthy volunteers including positive changes in behavior, attitudes, and values, and increases in the personality domain of openness. In an open-label pilot-study of psilocybin-facilitated smoking addiction treatment, 15 smokers received 2 or 3 doses of psilocybin in the context of cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) for smoking cessation. Twelve of 15 participants (80%) demonstrated biologically verified smoking abstinence at 6-month follow-up. Participants who were abstinent at 6 months (n=12) were compared to participants still smoking at 6 months (n=3) on measures of subjective effects of psilocybin. Abstainers scored significantly higher on a measure of psilocybin-occasioned mystical experience. No significant differences in general intensity of drug effects were found between groups, suggesting that mystical-type subjective effects, rather than overall intensity of drug effects, were responsible for smoking cessation. Nine of 15 participants (60%) met criteria for “complete” mystical experience. Smoking cessation outcomes were significantly correlated with measures of mystical experience on session days, as well as retrospective ratings of personal meaning and spiritual significance of psilocybin sessions. These results suggest a mediating role of mystical experience in psychedelic-facilitated addiction treatment.

Garcia-Romeu, A., Griffiths, R. R., & Johnson, M. W. (2015). Psilocybin-occasioned Mystical Experiences in the Treatment of Tobacco Addiction. Current Drug Abuse Reviews, 7(3), 157-164.
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A Review of Lysergic Acid Diethylamide (LSD) in the Treatment of Addictions: Historical Perspectives and Future Prospects


Lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD) is a semisynthetic compound with strong psychoactive properties. Chemically related to serotonin, LSD was initially hypothesized to produce a psychosislike state. Later, LSD was reported to have benefits in the treatment of addictions. However, widespread indiscriminate use and reports of adverse affects resulted in the classification of LSD as an illicit drug with no accepted medical use. This article reviews LSD’s storied history from its discovery, to its use as a research tool, followed by its widespread association with the counterculture movement of the 1960s, and finally to its rebirth as a medicine with potential benefits in the treatment of addictions. LSD’s pharmacology, phenomenology, effects at neurotransmitter receptors, and effects on patterns of gene expression are reviewed. Based upon a review of the literature, it is concluded that further research into LSD’s potential as a treatment for addictions is warranted.

Liester, M. B. (2015). A Review of Lysergic Acid Diethylamide (LSD) in the Treatment of Addictions: Historical Perspectives and Future Prospects. Current Drug Abuse Reviews, 7(3), 146-156.
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What Can Neuroscience Tell Us About the Potential of Psychedelics in Healthcare?


Health-related psychedelic research should focus on helping us flourish, not just remedying ill-health or addiction. We don’t know enough about how psychedelics could enhance human flourishing. Factors promoting health-through-flourishing include finding meaning in life, spiritual practices, comfortable levels of social bonds, emotionally/physically satisfying sex in a long-term monogamous relationship and control over one’s daily life. Psychedelic research could find more.Neuroscience anchors psychedelic research into disease and disorder, e.g. addiction, PSTD, migraine, anxiety, pain etc. Neurophenomenological psychedelics research could illuminate relationships between health, ASC/NOSCs and cognitive liberty to promote human flourishing. If we accept the self as an epiphenomenon of subsystems within the brain, we ‘know’ ‘unconsciously’, but are not aware of, many things which affect our lives profoundly. These include control over identifying, remembering and forgetting our states of mind and how to move between them. A prerequisite for integrated investigations into ASC/NOSCs is the establishment of a taxonomic knowledge base which lists, categorises and characterises ASC/NOSCs to enable us to choose specific states of mind and move securely among them. Or, in other words, to enable us to exercise our cognitive liberty safely.

I believe that human health and flourishing would be enhanced were we able to direct our states of being by consciously choosing them. Given the promise of mindfulness techniques to enhance our health, happiness and spiritual growth, constructing both personal and generic classifications of salient ASC/NOSCs makes sense. Laws need to change. The neuroscience of pleasure, love, spirituality, decision-making, pattern recognition and location of meaning should inform health-enhancing psychedelic research while promoting flourishing through cognitive liberty.

As part of cognitive liberty, our end-of-life choices should include how we die. In other words, our idea of the good death should include access to psychedelics. Dying high is increasingly likely to become a popular choice as baby boomers age and place their economic clout behind the reform of end-of-life laws as well as drug laws. Achieving such crucial legal changes depends partly on the ability to produce research to anchor evidence based law and policy. Research into psychedelics, ASC/NOSCs and the neurobiology of the dying process is essential.

Mackenzie, R. (2015). What can neuroscience tell us about the potential of psychedelics in healthcare? How the Neurophenomenology of Psychedelics Research Could Help us to Flourish Throughout Our Lives, as Well as to Enhance Our Dying. Current Drug Abuse Reviews, 7(3), 136-144.
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Editorial (Thematic Issue: Introduction to 'Beneficial Effects of Psychedelics with a Special Focus on Addictions')


Introduction to ‘Beneficial Effects of Psychedelics with a Special Focus on Addictions’

The articles dedicated to psychedelic research in this issue of Current Drug Abuse Reviews are part of a special issue dedicated to the beneficial uses of psychedelics, with a special focus on addiction. The beneficial uses of psychedelics are currently being studied at some of the world’s major academic institutions. Research teams are investigating their potential in addressingvarious hard to treat psychiatric disorders, such as post-traumatic stress disorder, end-of-life anxiety, drug dependence and depression. After a decades long hiatus, psychedelic research is once again establishing a firm foothold in academia.

The idea of this special issue originated at the Interdisciplinary Conference on Psychedelic Research, organised by the OPEN Foundation in 2012. OPEN was founded in 2007 in the Netherlands, in order to stimulate and advance scientific research into psychedelics. In this second part of the special interdisciplinary issue of CDAR, specific attention is paid to the role psychedelics may play in mental health, in particular with regard to addiction and drug dependence.

Breeksema, J. J., & Kortekaas, R. (2015). Introduction to ‘Beneficial Effects of Psychedelics with a Special Focus on Addictions’. Current Drug Abuse Reviews, 7(3), 135.

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Link to the introduction of the first part of this special issue

Articles in this special issue:

What Can Neuroscience Tell Us About the Potential of Psychedelics in Healthcare? How the Neurophenomenology of Psychedelics Research Could Help us to Flourish Throughout Our Lives, as Well as to Enhance Our Dying

A Review of Lysergic Acid Diethylamide (LSD) in the Treatment of Addictions: Historical Perspectives and Future Prospects

Psilocybin-Occasioned Mystical Experiences in the Treatment of Tobacco Addiction

Editorial (Thematic Issue: Introduction to ‘Beneficial Effects of Psychedelics with a Special Focus on Addictions’)


Introduction to ‘Beneficial Effects of Psychedelics with a Special Focus on Addictions’

The articles dedicated to psychedelic research in this issue of Current Drug Abuse Reviews are part of a special issue dedicated to the beneficial uses of psychedelics, with a special focus on addiction. The beneficial uses of psychedelics are currently being studied at some of the world’s major academic institutions. Research teams are investigating their potential in addressingvarious hard to treat psychiatric disorders, such as post-traumatic stress disorder, end-of-life anxiety, drug dependence and depression. After a decades long hiatus, psychedelic research is once again establishing a firm foothold in academia.

The idea of this special issue originated at the Interdisciplinary Conference on Psychedelic Research, organised by the OPEN Foundation in 2012. OPEN was founded in 2007 in the Netherlands, in order to stimulate and advance scientific research into psychedelics. In this second part of the special interdisciplinary issue of CDAR, specific attention is paid to the role psychedelics may play in mental health, in particular with regard to addiction and drug dependence.

Breeksema, J. J., & Kortekaas, R. (2015). Introduction to ‘Beneficial Effects of Psychedelics with a Special Focus on Addictions’. Current Drug Abuse Reviews, 7(3), 135.

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Link to the introduction of the first part of this special issue

Articles in this special issue:

What Can Neuroscience Tell Us About the Potential of Psychedelics in Healthcare? How the Neurophenomenology of Psychedelics Research Could Help us to Flourish Throughout Our Lives, as Well as to Enhance Our Dying

A Review of Lysergic Acid Diethylamide (LSD) in the Treatment of Addictions: Historical Perspectives and Future Prospects

Psilocybin-Occasioned Mystical Experiences in the Treatment of Tobacco Addiction

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