OPEN Foundation

Editorial (Thematic Issue: Introduction to 'Beneficial Effects of Psychedelics with a Special Focus on Addictions')


Introduction to ‘Beneficial Effects of Psychedelics with a Special Focus on Addictions’

The articles dedicated to psychedelic research in this issue of Current Drug Abuse Reviews are part of a special issue dedicated to the beneficial uses of psychedelics, with a special focus on addiction. The beneficial uses of psychedelics are currently being studied at some of the world’s major academic institutions. Research teams are investigating their potential in addressingvarious hard to treat psychiatric disorders, such as post-traumatic stress disorder, end-of-life anxiety, drug dependence and depression. After a decades long hiatus, psychedelic research is once again establishing a firm foothold in academia.

The idea of this special issue originated at the Interdisciplinary Conference on Psychedelic Research, organised by the OPEN Foundation in 2012. OPEN was founded in 2007 in the Netherlands, in order to stimulate and advance scientific research into psychedelics. In this second part of the special interdisciplinary issue of CDAR, specific attention is paid to the role psychedelics may play in mental health, in particular with regard to addiction and drug dependence.

Breeksema, J. J., & Kortekaas, R. (2015). Introduction to ‘Beneficial Effects of Psychedelics with a Special Focus on Addictions’. Current Drug Abuse Reviews, 7(3), 135.

Link to full text

Link to the introduction of the first part of this special issue

Articles in this special issue:

What Can Neuroscience Tell Us About the Potential of Psychedelics in Healthcare? How the Neurophenomenology of Psychedelics Research Could Help us to Flourish Throughout Our Lives, as Well as to Enhance Our Dying

A Review of Lysergic Acid Diethylamide (LSD) in the Treatment of Addictions: Historical Perspectives and Future Prospects

Psilocybin-Occasioned Mystical Experiences in the Treatment of Tobacco Addiction

OPEN Foundation

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