OPEN Foundation

Author name: OPEN Foundation

Attenuation and anticipation: A therapeutic use of lysergic acid diethylamide


Theoretical reasons for the use of LSD as an analgesic agent are elaborated. In a series of 128 patients the analgesic action of LSD is further confirmed, and the undesirable pharmacologic effects are discussed. The relative safety of the drug for that use is demonstrated, and further study is recommended.

Kast, E. (1967). Attenuation of anticipation: a therapeutic use of lysergic acid diethylamide. Psychiatric Quarterly, 41(4), 646-657.
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Psychedelic Agents in Creative Problem-Solving: A Pilot Study


Based on the frequently reported similarities between creative and psychedelic (drug-induced, consciousness-expansion) experiences, a preliminary study was conducted to explore the effects of psychedelic agents (LSD-25, mescaline) on creative problem-solving ability. Twenty-seven professionally employed males were given a single psychedelic experience in 1 of 7 small groups (ns = 3 or 4) following extensive selection and preparatory procedures. This drug-induced problem-solving session was carefully structured with particular focus on establishing Ss’ expectancies and a psychosocial milieu conducive to creative activity. Tentative findings based on tests of creativity, on subjective reports and self ratings, and on the utility of problem solutions suggested that, if given according to this carefully structured regimen, psychedelic agents seem to facilitate creative problem-solving, particularly in the “illumination phase.” The results also suggest that various degrees of increased creative ability may continue for at least some weeks subsequent to a psychedelic problem-solving session.

Harman, W. W., McKim, R. H., Mogar, R. E., Fadiman, J., & Stolaroff, M. J. (1966). Psychedelic Agents in Creative Problem-Solving: A Pilot Study. Psychological Reports, 19, 211-227.
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The Beyond Within

TheBeyondWithinDr. Sidney Cohen tells with precision and restraint the story of the most interesting among them, LSD, in this book. He has long worked with the drug under hospital conditions and is aware both of its possibilities and its drawbacks. He gives many detailed accounts of LSD feelings in different subjects, and they are fascinating and colorful. He indicates the uses and possible uses of LSD in tapping the unconscious or the abnormal mind, and the usefulness of this for therapists. He discusses LSD in terms of “model psychosis” or “instant Zen.” He treats mystical experiences and visions in terms of what we have learned from these drugs. In a fascinating chapter he discusses hallucinogens for possible war use—they have been considered as incapacitating agents that might limit lethal warfare—and he shows how they too would lead to death. “A pill does not construct character, educate the emotions, or improve intelligence,” writes Dr. Cohen. “It is not a spiritual labor-saving device, salvation, instant wisdom, or a shortcut to maturity. However, it can be an opportunity to experience oneself and the world in a new way—and to learn from it. “The book is free of medical jargon. It tells thestory of LSD—which is full of brilliant color andbright new deep perception—trying to keep the experience intact. We all live in a world of sensation, and it is sensation itself that is illuminated here. Dr. Cohen explores LSD as a possible gateway to the vastness within.

The Beyond Within: The L.S.D. Story, by Sydney Cohen, Atheneum, 268 pages.

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The subjective experience of time during lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD-25) intoxication


A brief review of the literature in relation to time disorder and LSD-25 is given. Twenty nine patients were studied as regards their time experiences under LSD-25. Eight patients reported an altered time experience following the initial administration of the drug. Twelve patients who had not developed a time disturbance in their initial administration, received LSD-25 a second time at increased dosage, 5 of these patients then experienced a time disturbance.

There was a tendency for time disorder to be associated with visual perceptual changes and for it to occur in the non-schizophrenics. Time disorder was considered to be a non-specific response. Recent views on the nature and genesis of time disorders are discussed.

Kenna, J. C., & Sedman, G. (1964). The subjective experience of time during lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD-25) intoxication. Psychopharmacologia5(4), 280-288., 10.1007/BF02341260
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Autistic Schizophrenic Children: An Experiment in the Use of D-Lysergic Acid Diethyladmide (LSD-25)


Since the hallucinogenic properties of D-lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD-25) were accidentally discovered by Hoffman in 1943 there has been wide experimentation with the drug designed to test its properties both as a psychotomimetic and as a therapeutic agent. It has been considered by some investigators as having great value in revealing the nature of the schizophrenic state and thereby advancing the understanding that leads to progress in therapy. However, other investigators, while acknowledging the undoubted psychic effects of the drug, insist that the LSD experience cannot be equated with naturally occurring psychosis.1 It is not the first psychopharmaceutical agent to be used as an adjunct to psychotherapy; most of its predecessors were greeted with equal enthusiasm by some because of their action in unlocking the gates of repression and thus leading to disinhibition and catharsis. In fact, according to Hoch,2 careful studies…

Freedman, A. M., Ebin, E. V., & Wilson, E. A. (1962). Autistic schizophrenic children: An experiment in the use of d-lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD-25). Archives of General Psychiatry, 6(3), 203-213.
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Schizophrenia: A New Approach (Continued)


The authors discuss the last five years work of the Saskatchewan group and develop their hypothesis relating adrenaline metabolites to schizophrenia. They also discuss work done in other centres. They indicate some of the difficulties encountered not only in synthesizing adrenochrome and adrenolutin but also in working experimentally with them in human subjects. The successful synthesis of pure stable adrenochrome and adrenolutin has made chemical assay possible. Using their adrenochrome assay, they have found differences between adrenochrome metabolism in normals and schizophrenics. While these require exploration the authors believe that their hypothesis is strong enough to warrant attention or to see whether others can confirm their findings. While adrenochrome and adrenolutin are at present the only metabolites of adrenaline which can be obtained as pure stable compounds and have psychotomimetic properties, there is suggestive evidence that others will be found.

Osmond, H., & Hoffer, A. (1959). Schizophrenia: A new approach (continued). The British Journal of Psychiatry, 105(440), 653-673.
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Psychopathology and Psychophysiology of Minimal LSD-25 Dosage


Despite 14 years of investigation, as intensive as accorded any biologically active chemical, a gap remains in the systematic description of human response to lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD-25). The dramatic schizophrenic-like symptoms after doses of 40μg to 100μg have drawn the main interest. The threshold for activity is placed at 20μg by general consensus, while perfunctory administration of smaller doses has left their effect uncertain. Accompanying those pharmacologic demonstrations has been the controversy whether LSD symptoms simulate the psychopathology of schizophrenia1 or can be better explained as a toxic organic psychosis.2 One of these alternatives might be favored by its resemblance to the complete dosage-response relationship of LSD. It is unfortunate for analogical comparison that early stages of toxic psychosis have rarely been described in a psychopathological framework3; on the other hand, there is a firm basis for comparison with various schizophrenic processes. This preliminary note reports

Greiner, T., Burch, N. R., & Edelberg, R. (1958). Psychopathology and psychophysiology of minimal LSD-25 dosage: A preliminary dosage-response spectrum. AMA Archives of Neurology & Psychiatry79(2), 208-210., 10.1001/archneurpsyc.1958.02340020088016
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