OPEN Foundation

K. Collins

Ketamine Treatment and Global Brain Connectivity in Major Depression


Capitalizing on recent advances in resting state functional connectivity magnetic resonance imaging (rs-fcMRI) and the distinctive paradigm of rapid mood normalization following ketamine treatment, the current study investigated intrinsic brain networks in major depressive disorder (MDD) during a depressive episode and following treatment with ketamine. Medication-free patients with MDD and healthy control subjects (HC) completed baseline rs-fcMRI. MDD patients received a single infusion of ketamine and underwent repeated rs-fcMRI at 24 h post-treatment. Global brain connectivity with global signal regression (GBCr) values were computed as the average of correlations of each voxel with all other gray matter voxels in the brain. MDD group showed reduced GBCr in the prefrontal cortex (PFC), but increased GBCr in the posterior cingulate, precuneus, lingual gyrus, and cerebellum. Ketamine significantly increased GBCr in the PFC and reduced GBCr in the cerebellum. At baseline, 2174 voxels of altered GBCr were identified, but only 310 voxels significantly differed relative to controls following treatment (corrected α<0.05). Responders to ketamine showed increased GBCr in the lateral PFC, caudate, and insula. Followup seed-based analyses illustrated a pattern of dysconnectivity between the PFC/subcortex and the rest of the brain in MDD, which appeared to normalize post-ketamine. The extent of the functional dysconnectivity identified in MDD and the swift and robust normalization following treatment, suggest that GBCr may serve as a treatment response biomarker for the development of rapid acting antidepressants. The data also identified unique prefrontal and striatal circuitry as putative marker of successful treatment and target for antidepressants development.

Abdallah, C. G., Averill, L. A., Collins, K. A., Geha, P., Schwartz, J., Averill, C., … & Iosifescu, D. V. (2016). Ketamine Treatment and Global Brain Connectivity in Major Depression. Neuropsychopharmacology: official publication of the American College of Neuropsychopharmacology. 10.1038/npp.2016.186

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Regulation of neural responses to emotion perception by ketamine in individuals with treatment-resistant major depressive disorder


The glutamate N-methyl-D-aspartate receptor antagonist ketamine has demonstrated antidepressant effects in individuals with treatment-resistant major depressive disorder (TRD) within 24h of a single dose. The current study utilized functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) and two separate emotion perception tasks to examine the neural effects of ketamine in patients with TRD. One task used happy and neutral facial expressions; the other used sad and neutral facial expressions. Twenty patients with TRD free of concomitant antidepressant medication underwent fMRI at baseline and 24h following administration of a single intravenous dose of ketamine (0.5mgkg−1). Adequate data were available for 18 patients for each task. Twenty age- and sex-matched healthy volunteers were scanned at one time point for baseline comparison. Whole-brain, voxel-wise analyses were conducted controlling for a family-wise error rate (FWE) of P<0.05. Compared with healthy volunteers, TRD patients showed reduced neural responses to positive faces within the right caudate. Following ketamine, neural responses to positive faces were selectively increased within a similar region of right caudate. Connectivity analyses showed that greater connectivity of the right caudate during positive emotion perception was associated with improvement in depression severity following ketamine. No main effect of group was observed for the sad faces task. Our results indicate that ketamine specifically enhances neural responses to positive emotion within the right caudate in depressed individuals in a pattern that appears to reverse baseline deficits and that connectivity of this region may be important for the antidepressant effects of ketamine.

Murrough, J. W., Collins, K. A., Fields, J., DeWilde, K. E., Phillips, M. L., Mathew, S. J., … & Iosifescu, D. V. (2015). Regulation of neural responses to emotion perception by ketamine in individuals with treatment-resistant major depressive disorder. Translational psychiatry, 5(2).
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