P300-mediated modulations in self-other processing under psychedelic psilocybin are related to connectedness and changed meaning: A window into the self-other overlap August 21, 2020
Psychedelic Treatments for Psychiatric Disorders: A Systematic Review and Thematic Synthesis of Patient Experiences in Qualitative Studies August 17, 2020
The impact of 3,4-methylendioxymetamphetamine (MDMA) abstinence on seeking behavior and the expression of the D 2-like and mGlu 5 receptors in the rat brain using saturation binding analyses August 1, 2020
Ayahuasca blocks the reinstatement of methylphenidate-induced conditioned place preference in mice: behavioral and brain Fos expression evaluations July 26, 2020
LSD-induced increases in social adaptation to opinions similar to one’s own are associated with stimulation of serotonin receptors July 22, 2020
Changes in inflammatory biomarkers are related to the antidepressant effects of Ayahuasca July 10, 2020
Psychedelic Treatment for Trauma-Related Psychological and Cognitive Impairment Among US Special Operations Forces Veterans July 8, 2020