The Consumption of Psychoactive Plants in Ancient Global and Anatolian Cultures During Religious Rituals: The Roots of the Eruption of Mythological Figures and Common Symbols in Religions and Myths June 12, 2014
Psychoactive Plants: A Neglected Area of Ethnobotanical Research in Southern Africa (Review) June 8, 2014
Therapeutic Effects of Ritual Ayahuasca Use in the Treatment of Substance Dependence—Qualitative Results March 11, 2014
Labate & Coutinho – "My Grandfather Served Ayahuasca to Mestre Irineu": Reflections on the Entrance of Indigenous Peoples into the Urban Circuit of Ayahuasca Consumption in Brazil January 1, 2014
Phylogenetic inference and trait evolution of the psychedelic mushroom genus Psilocybe sensu lato (Agaricales) August 6, 2013
Revisiting Wasson's Soma: Exploring the Effects of Preparation on the Chemistry of Amanita Muscaria September 20, 2011