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OPEN Lectures

(Hoe) werken psychedelica?

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From psychology to pharmacology and back: in this lecture, we discuss both subjectively and ’objectively’ what it means to be tripping. Two prominent scientists offer an overview of the actual research regarding psychedelics, clinical health care trials and neural mechanisms.

Are psychedelics of any use? And what are the risks? What are the possibilities? What do we know about the effects of psychedelics on the brain? To what degree can techniques such as fMRI, PET and neuroimaging contribute to psychedelic research? And what does this tell us about research regarding our consciousness? These and other interesting questions will be discussed in our series of lectures “(How) do psychedelics work?”

(This lecture is in Dutch)


Afkicken met iboga

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Op dit moment wordt er veel onderzoek verricht naar de “verslavings-onderbrekende” stof ibogaïne, afkomstig uit de Tabernanthe iboga boom. Ben de Loenen is expert geworden op dit gebied nadat hij de documentaire “Iboga: Rite of Passage” heeft gemaakt. In deze lezing laat hij de feiten zien over de toepassing van ibogaïne in de verslavingszorg.


Ayahuasca and Anthropology: Amazonian Shamanism & Western Science

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In this lecture at the University of Amsterdam on Monday December 17th 2007, Arno Adelaars introduced ayahuasca to those unfamiliar with the substance, after which Jeremy Narby filled the rest of the time. He spoke about ayahuasca and his experiences with the Ashaninca in the Peruvian Amazon.
