OPEN Foundation

Symposium Utrecht University: Psychedelics – Novel Applications for Depression


Psychedelics – Novel Applications for Depression

An evening symposium dedicated to recent research into the potential anti-depressant effects and mechanisms of action of psychedelic drugs. Organized in collaboration with U.P.S.V. “Unitas Pharmaceuticorum”.

There’s a recognized need among therapists for more effective interventions for depression. The currently available psychopharmaceutical medications don’t work for everyone. What do we know about the effectiveness of psychedelics? To discuss these topics, we invited three young researchers, from three countries and three related disciplines. All presentations will be in English.

  • Tobias Buchborn is a German neuropsychologist, doing research at the Otto van Guericke University in Magdeburg. He studied the antidepressant potential of LSD in animals and will present his findings and implications for the clinical practice.
  • Mendel Kaelen is a Dutch neuroscientist working at Imperial College London. His talk will cover neuroimaging studies concerning the brain mechanisms of psychedelics and music, and their role in psychedelic-assisted therapy for treatment-resistant depression. You can read about his most recent publication here.
  • Tharcila Chaves is a Brazilian pharmacist, who is currently studying the effects of orally administered ketamine for therapy resistant severely depressed patients at the Medical Centre of the University of Groningen (UMCG).

There will be time for a plenary discussion and Q&A with the researchers afterwards. Please be on time!

Date: September 15th, 2015
Time: 19:00 – 22:00
Location: Marinus Ruppertgebouw (blue lecture hall), Leuvenlaan 21, Utrecht.
Tickets: €2,- for members Unitas Pharmaceuticorum / €7,50 for non-members. Sold on location.
Reserve your ticket(s) by sending an email to (Unitas Pharmaceuticorum)

Also see the Facebook event page for updates and more information.

OPEN Foundation

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