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OPEN x APRA Community Meetup in Amsterdam – October edition

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Get ready for an epic in-person OPEN community meetup that’s going to be more special even than our usuals! OPEN and APRA are teaming up for an evening of connections, conversations and good vibes!

On Thursday 26 October, you are very welcome to join us and

  • connect with other psychedelic enthusiasts and professionals; 
  • discuss the latest on psychedelic science, research and therapy;
  • and, of course, enjoy a fun night with us!

It’s going to be a memorable evening of mingling, sharing, and expanding our psychedelic horizons. See you there! 🌈

OPEN Foundation

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ICPR features world-leading experts from many academic disciplines, including psychiatry, psychology, neuroscience, anthropology, ethnobotany, and philosophy who come together to give a scientific conference for academics, therapists, researchers, clinicians, policymakers, and members of the public. Get your ICPR 2022 livestream ticket today and use the code OPENLIVE30 at checkout for a €30 discount.

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