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Lecture VU Amsterdam: Psychedelica als medicijn?

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OPEN organizes a lecture about the potential medicinal and therapeutic values of psychedelic substances at the VU University on Monday February 3rd. Can ibogaine or other substances help to get rid of an addiction or psychological disorders?

Joost Breeksema, the president of OPEN, will open this lecture with an overview of recent and historical research into the therapeutic applications of psychedelics. After that, Maarten Belgers and Thomas Knuijver, both physicians specialized in addiction, will talk about ibogaine and their research into this substance. What is the scientific knowledge about ibogaine until now, why do they want to research this substance, and what does this study look like? There are only 150 seats available, so if you want to ensure yourself of a ticket please arrive early. Ticket sales will start at 15:30.

Practical information:

Where: Vrije Universiteit. Van der Boechorststraat 7, Amsterdam.

When: Monday February 3rd 2014. From 16:00 until 18:00.

Price: Members VSPVU: €3 / Others: €4,50

Please note that this lecture will be in Dutch.

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