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Ketamine in the Dutch mental healthcare system

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This report (only available in Dutch) describes the current state of (es)ketamine treatments within mental healthcare in the Netherlands. The report aims to contribute to an effective and safe implementation of ketamine in the Dutch mental healthcare system. The first chapter discusses the history of ketamine, its mode of action, administration forms, and its use in mental healthcare. The second chapter discusses ketamine in the Dutch healthcare system. The third chapter focuses on ketamine as an antidepressant. Chapter four discusses the risks associated with its implementation. The last chapter addresses unresolved issues and steps that can be taken in the future. In addition to studying relevant information from previous studies and reports, information was also obtained from a large number of Dutch professionals and experts in the field. Six psychiatrists, five therapists, and three scientific researchers contributed their perspectives on current ketamine treatments, identified existing challenges, and shared their visions for the future of ketamine treatment in the Netherlands. The unanswered questions are included in chapter five and serve as a starting point for further collaborations and study of outstanding issues. The report aims to provide a clear overview of registration, implementation, unresolved issues, and guidance so that the implementation of ketamine as a treatment for TRD can be realized efficiently and safely.

Click here to read the full PDF report, written by two of our interns!

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