OPEN Foundation


The OPEN Foundation’s Indegeest Network facilitates the exchange of knowledge, ideas and research in the field of psychedelics. The researchers involved have diverse backgrounds in psychiatry, philosophy, psychology, religious studies, media studies, history and neuroscience.


All researchers are affiliated with a Dutch university or knowledge institution and are directly or indirectly involved in research into psychedelics. The Indegeest Network develops the following activities, among others:


Organising public symposia (KNAW symposium in 2019 and 2020).

Publication of Dutch articles about psychedelics.

Preparing and supporting joint grant applications for psychedelic research.

Organising scientific conferences on psychedelics (ICPR 2020, Haarlem, 2020).

Maintaining a platform based on the latest scientific knowledge to answer questions and mediate discussions about psychedelics that come from society and the media.


Gemma Blok

Professor of Modern History, Open University

Robert Schoevers

Professor of Psychiatry and Head of Department Psychiatry, University Medical Center Groningen

Patricia Pisters

Professor of Media Studies, University of Amsterdam. Member of Royal Academy of Sciences (KNAW)

Michiel van Elk

Assistant Professor, Psychology and Cognition, University of Amsterdam

Kim Kuypers

Associate Professor, Dept of Neuropsychology & Psychopharmacology, Maastricht University

Toine Pieters

Professor of the History of Pharmacy. Head of Freudenthal Institute, Utrecht University

Wouter Hanegraaff

Professor of History of Hermetic Philosophy and Related Currents, University of Amsterdam. Member of Royal Academy of Sciences (KNAW)

Wim van den Brink

Emeritus Professor of Psychiatry and Addiction Care, Academic Medical Center, University of Amsterdam

Eric Vermetten

Professor Medical-Biological and Psychiatric Aspects of Psychotrauma, Leiden University Medical Center / Ministry of Defence

Stephen Snelders

Research Fellow, Faculty of Science, Utrecht University

André van der Braak

Professor of Buddhist philosophy in dialogue with other philosophical traditions, VU University

Marc Tuters

Assistant professor Media Theory, University of Amsterdam

Josjan Zijlmans

Post-doc DREAMS Consortium

M.Heval Ozgen

Associate Professor Curium-LUMC


Executive Director, OPEN Foundation / Researcher, UMCG

Brigitte Adriaensen

Professor of Hispanic Studies at Radboud University Nijmegen & Professor of Literacy at the Open University

M.Heval Ozgen

Associate Professor Curium-LUMC


Executive Director, OPEN Foundation / Researcher, UMCG


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