Can Psychedelics Alleviate Symptoms of Cluster Headache and Accompanying Mental Health Problems? A Case Report Involving Hawaiian Baby Woodrose


Preliminary evidence supports the efficacy of psychedelics in the alleviation of cluster headache and mental health problems. We describe a case of an individual with cluster headache and mood disorder who claims to have benefited from her use of psychedelics. A forty-eight-year-old woman was referred to a private Australian mental health clinic for the management of chronic pain and depression. She reported using Hawaiian baby woodrose to successfully alleviate symptoms of cluster headache and the accompanying mental health problems. Incidental observation also highlighted the potential therapeutic benefits of antiviral therapy. This is the first case report to concurrently examine the analgesic and psycho-spiritual effects of Hawaiian baby woodrose, with results in support of nascent research in this field. The results of this case report highlight the need for further research into the use of psychedelics in the management of cluster headache and mental illness
Johnson, S., & Black, Q. C. (2020). Can Psychedelics Alleviate Symptoms of Cluster Headache and Accompanying Mental Health Problems? A Case Report Involving Hawaiian Baby Woodrose. Journal of Psychoactive Drugs, 1-5.,
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Can Psychedelics Alleviate Symptoms of Cluster Headache and Accompanying Mental Health Problems? A Case Report Involving Hawaiian Baby Woodrose Read More »