OPEN Foundation

C. Goodman

LSD Flashbacks – The Appearance of New Visual Imagery Not Experienced During Initial Intoxication: Two Case Reports.


A side effect associated with the use of synthetic hallucinogens such as lysergic acid diethylamide-(LSD) is the partial or total recurrence of perceptual disturbances which previously appeared during intoxication, despite absence of recent use. These are commonly referred to as “flashbacks” or Hallucinogen Persisting Perception Disorder (HPPD). Here we present two cases of patients with a prior history of LSD use who turned to psychiatric consultation following brief episodes of HPPD. Surprisingly, in both cases new visual imagery appeared during episodes of flashbacks which was not experienced during primary LSD use. Both subjects reported the ability to discern between LSD-associated visual disturbances and new visual imagery. This phenomenon did not cause functional impairment and in both cases caused gradual concern due to its persistence. Both patients refused medical treatment and continued psychiatric follow-up. At one year follow-up both patients reported almost complete spontaneous remission. To the best of our knowledge these are the first reported cases of LSD-related benign flashbacks in which new imagery is experienced. Reasons for this reversible and apparently harmless side effect are proposed. Conclusions from case reports should be taken with caution.

Lerner, A. G., Goodman, C., Rudinski, D., & Lev-Ran, S. (2014). LSD flashbacks–the appearance of new visual imagery not experienced during initial intoxication: Two case reports. Isr J Psychiatry Relat Sci, 51(4).
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LSD Flashbacks – The Appearance of New Visual Imagery Not Experienced During Initial Intoxication: Two Case Reports. Read More »

Flashbacks and HPPD: A Clinical-oriented Concise Review.


A unique characteristic of LSD, LSD-like and substances with hallucinogenic properties is the recurrence of some or all the hallucinogenic symptoms which had appeared during the intoxication after the immediate effects of the substance had worn off. This recurring syndrome, mainly visual, is not clearly understood. The terms Flashback and Hallucinogen Persisting Perception Disorder (HPPD) have been used interchangeably in the professional literature. We have observed at least two different recurrent syndromes, the first Flashback Type we refer to as HPPD I, a generally short-term, non-distressing, benign and reversible state accompanied by a pleasant affect. In contrast, the second HPPD Type we refer to as HPPD II, a generally long-term, distressing, pervasive, either slowly reversible or irreversible, non-benign state accompanied by an unpleasant affect. HPPD I and II appear to be part of a broad spectrum of non-psychopathological and psychopathological states reported by hallucinogen users. HPPD I and II may be clinically characterized by prodromal symptoms, onset, content of visual imagery, precipitators, frequency, duration and intensity of perceptual recurrences, severity, course, differential diagnosis, accompanying mood and affect, insight and remission. Pharmacological therapy with or without preceding or following co-occurring psychiatric disorders have been shown to ameliorate this syndrome. A large variety of medications may be utilized to alleviate this condition, but with differential results suggesting several subtypes. The purpose of this manuscript is to provide a clinical-oriented, comprehensive and concise review to treating psychiatrists.

Rudinski, D., Bor, O., & Goodman, C. (2013). Flashbacks and HPPD: A Clinical-oriented Concise Review. The Israel journal of psychiatry and related sciences, 51(4), 296-301.
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Flashbacks and HPPD: A Clinical-oriented Concise Review. Read More »

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