OPEN Foundation


The Working Group Psychedelics in Mental Healthcare is composed of professors, psychiatrists, psychotherapists and researchers connected to various university medical centers (UMCs), universities, and mental healthcare institutions across the Netherlands.


We are concerned with the future of research, treatment, and eventual implementation of psychedelic substances in the (mental) healthcare system in the Netherlands. We believe in the importance of collaboration in order to maximize impact and ensure optimal integration of the trans-diagnostic potential of psychedelic treatments. In this new and promising field, coordination of sound scientific research, and controlled step-by-step implementation is needed in order to gather experiences and learn from them. Aspects under consideration include health economy, professional formation and training, accreditation, a joint research agenda, accessibility, affordability, and others.


To formulate and execute a joint research and implementation agenda around psychedelic drugs.

To develop new forms of treatment with psychedelics that are made in a safe and sustainable manner.

To outline the necessary conditions and criteria for implementation in a way that optimises efficacy, accessibility, and affordability

To ensure optimal implementation and integration of psychedelics in the (mental) healthcare system.


In order to accomplish these objectives, we actively seek collaboration with key stakeholders in the health care system, including:

  • Professional associations (e.g. psychiatry, psychology, psychotherapy, nurses)
  • Patient organisations
  • Pharmaceutical companies
  • Medical ethical committees
  • Health insurers
  • Relevant ministries and ministerial departments
  • Mental health institutions
  • Health economy experts
  • National funding bodies
  • Policymakers
  • Other interest groups


Robert Schoevers

Professor of Psychiatry and Head of Department Psychiatry, University Medical Center Groningen

Eric Vermetten

Professor Medical-Biological and Psychiatric Aspects of Psychotrauma, Leiden University Medical Center / Ministry of Defence

Wim van den Brink

Emeritus Professor of Psychiatry and Addiction Care, Academic Medical Center, University of Amsterdam

Jolien Veraart

Psychiatry, UMCG, PsyQ

Joop van Gerven

Neuropsychopharmacology, CCMO, CHDR

Jeanine Kamphuis

Psychiatry - UMCG

Giorgio Mauro

Psychiatry, Psychotherapy, Arkin, Sinai Centrum

Albert Dahan

Anesthesiology, LUMC


Executive Director, OPEN Foundation / Researcher, UMCG


Therapeutisch gebruik van psychedelica


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