Research on psychedelic substances


The term psychedelic (i.e. mind-manifesting) was coined by Humphrey Osmond to characterize a grou p of substances that are capable of liberating human perception from cultural conditioning, providing an op ening to the transcendent qualities of being human. Osmond claimed that LSD and similar drugs may give people insightful experiences that enable them to better understand themselves and their relationships with the world. Psychedelic substances have the potential to show mindmanifesting properties under appropriate internally and externally supported conditions. They can offer lucid insights into ones psychological make-up and functioning. They are also capable of inducing a spectrum of inner experiences, sometimes
referred to as religious or mystical. Another commonly used term for these substances is hallucinogens, although this synonym is viewed as controversial because of the implication that they somehow cause hallucinations, which they do very rarely. Most psychedelic substances produce visual alterations of perceived objects and pseudohallucinations which are understood by the subject to be illusionary in character […]
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Brandt, S. D., & Passie, T. (2012). Research on psychedelic substances. Drug testing and analysis4(7-8), 539-542.
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